Kyle Schwemmer
A Christian Look At The Web
Hello, my name is Kyle Schwemmer. I am a graduate of Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar. This summer I again plan on filling my time by being a camp counselor at Camp Su' Na' Go' up near St. Louis. Camp Su' Na' Go' is a Christian camp for kids between 4th grade and high school Seniors. The camp consists of many activities including sports ranging from softball to ultimate frisbee to even a small paint ball range. The sports are played during half of the day and memory verses are studied the other half of the day. Each evening brings a bible quiz between two teams over the verses that were assigned for that day. This will be my fourth time as a camp counselor, and it will again be an awesome experience. The time has come after five very short years I have graduated from college I got my B.S. in mathematics and a minor in business administration, and a secondary education certificate. This fall I will teaching math at Stockton High School, in Stockton Missouri. The same school I did my field base and student teaching. More Information on my position there below. Wedding pictures are still coming. I know graduated and trying to earn some money for the house we bought in February. So things are still being shuffeled. Maybe later. I also like playing sports and enjoy writing poetry (which is another project on my to do list). I have several poems (finally) online if you will follow the link called poetry. I have now been a referee for two seasons now. I am planning on keeping my liscense, but since I graduated in May and have a teaching position I will also be a head coaching for the middle school boys basketball team and my time will be limited for officiating. Officiating htese last two years has surely helped me gain a greater appreciation for the officials and for the sport of basketball. If you would like to become an official in the state of Missouri then visit MSHSAA. The Missouri State High School Activities Association. Or if your are already an official and are looking for a group to chat with and learn so tips or give so tips to other guys then join bball_refs I am a Financial Specialist in the Army Reserves as a member of the 368th Finance battalion in Wichita, Kansas. If you want to see more about my unit then follow this link. The best unit in the U.S. Army I know its been a while since i updated this sight, but alot has happened in many areas of my life. Military wise I reenlisted for another 3 years for now with possiblely more coming. The military has treated me pretty good over the last six years. I have been many places, Ft. Leonardwood, Missouri; Ft. Jackson, South Carolina; Graffenwehr, Germany; Kaiserslautern, Germany; homestation one year; and Orlando, Florida most recently. At the reenlistment I did get a picture which I will scan in as soon as I get my scanner working again. I got a new PC and the scanner may not be compatible. I haven't had time to play with it this summer.
Here are some pictures for all those that are interested in seeing just who I am. I know these pictures are old but I don't have anything more recent. These pictures were taken my senior year at Bluestem High School in Leon, Kansas.